Summers in some places in the region can be as hot as in Italy. Many bat species require this Mediterranean climate. Insects in great numbers swarm in the warm air, making easy prey for the bat.
The countryside resembles a mosaic with everything from gardens and orchards abutting villages and deciduous forests to steppe-like grasslands and low hills. In the summer every species finds living quarters and hunting grounds here. In the winter many caves, crevices and mining tunnels along with fortresses and palaces offer protection for hibernating bats.
Twenty of the 24 bat species which occur in Germany are in the Kyffhäuser Nature Park. The region's particular treasure is the Lesser Horseshoe Bat. The warmth-loving species does not occur north of here, so the region bears special responsibility for its well-being.
Visit the exhibition "Geheimnisse der Nacht - Faszination Fledermaus" (Secrets of the Night – Fascinating Bats) in the
Regionalmuseum Bad Frankenhausen
Schloßstraße 13
06567 Bad Frankenhausen
Telephone: +49 34671 62086
Fax: +49 34671 553290
Opening hours
Wednesday – Sunday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Guided tours, excursions, special group tours and programs for children arranged by appointment, including outside normal opening hours.